Aerospace & Defense
Provides up to $9,000 of income or premium tax credits over a three-year period for each net new job to the state and concurrent qualifying capital expenditures.
Provides property tax exemptions and Transaction Privilege Tax (sales tax) exemptions to qualifying projects located in an MRZ.
The Rapid Employment Job Training Grant provides support by reimbursing costs associated with training substantial numbers of new employees quickly.
Provides up to an 80 percent reduction in state real and personal property taxes for businesses located in a foreign trade zone or sub zone.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology Manufacturing Extension Partnership joined the ACA to create the Arizona Manufacturing Extension Partnership (Arizona MEP). With the mission to make every Arizona manufacturer the most successful business it can be, Arizona MEP is dedicated to providing business and technical services to manufacturers in the state. Manufacturing and business experts offer customized solutions and hands-on assistance to help aerospace & defense manufacturers integrate into the Arizona manufacturers’ ecosystem through assistance with construction project management, staffing services, lean operations, safety programs, AS9100/ISO 9001 certification and supply chain solutions.
Provides income tax credits for increased R&D activities conducted in the state. Additional tax credits are available for R&D executed in collaboration with state universities.
Accelerates depreciation to substantially reduce business personal property taxes.
Offers refundable income tax credits up to $20,000 per qualifying net new job to eligible manufacturing companies that invest in one or more qualifying facilities.
Provides manufacturers a means of mitigating infrastructure costs by allowing construction Transaction Privilege Tax (sales tax) dollars to be redirected toward public infrastructure costs.
Arizona’s statewide SkillBridge partnership, which is free to employers, allows service members who are within six months of separation from the military to complete internships and pre-apprenticeships with approved civilian employers prior to transitioning out of the military. SkillBridge prepares the thousands of Arizona-based service members who separate from the military each year to put their diverse training and skills to use in the private sector while also providing an additional source of highly-qualified talent to Arizona employers.
Contact Robert Garcia at to learn more about Arizona’s statewide SkillBridge program and Veteran workforce strategies.